Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Indo Chicken Wrap

I picked up a packet of "Indonesian Spices" the other week and it consisted of a "Bali Mix"- Not sure what it means but it was sure was yummy! I marinated some chicken meat with the spice mix, bbq it and placed it in a wrap.


Indo Chicken Wrap
1 packet of Indo Spice Mix "Bali"
1 chicken breast
few slices of cucumber
salad leaves

Chips to serve

Marinate chicken with spice mix. Using a very hot gril pan, cook chicken till just down. Heat up 4 wraps. Place salad leaves, cucumber followed by chicken in the wrap. Serve with chips.

17 days to the wedding

Wedding Thoughts

Over the past week or so, we have done heaps! For instance, I mixed up the church rehearsal dates which resulted in slight panic attack-it's still being resolved as we speak. Trying to coordinate people flying in from different countries certainly has its own challenges. Still, I did not regret the steps we took.. and we do have great people helping us along.

I have however, organized our Perth reception items-all ready to be delivered to the venue. Now, I just have to finish writing Thank You cards! This also means that I have approximately less than 2 weeks before I go on holidays!

As the days get nearer, AR and I have also started to tease out different songs we need to play at different reception venues. The most HEADACHE songs that we have to chose are the "After the ceremony" songs! Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Are we excited? We sure are! It's amazing having our ideas come together. God has always been so gracious-and He showed us so many ways how to make it works. That's why we know it will work out. It always will. =)


  1. hope all is well! looks like the wrap is perfect for a quick bite since u hav such a bz schedule!

  2. Congrates and may the blessing of God be upon both of you always. BTW, the chicken wrap looks delicious....

  3. hi there! congrats on e upcoming wedding! im sure ur very excited now! oh.. n this is Irene's couz in Abu Dhabi.. :)

    i enjoy reading ur entries! (imagine i check back every day to see if theres updates!) :P i enjoyed them becos #1 - the pics u post up brought back lotsa fond memories of my Uni years back then..#2 - ur recipes! they are just so short & sweet & simple! i loved it.. esp now that im living away from home.. :)

    i dunno if u have watched e film "serendipity". my hubb & i loved e movie and they happen to have a great soundtrack too. we used some of the songs for our "during dinnner" background music. and we managed to burn e complilation of songs (i.e. 1st march in... 2nd march.. proposal songs..) into a mini CD as door gifts.. :)

    Also, check out singer "janet seidel" she has very nice songs too. i looped her CD during my ROM reception for the whole day n it worked wonderfully!

    (sorry if i "spoke" too much.. im just so happy to know that there are still couples who handle every details on their own.... )

    have fun!
    Lu (bramblebrownie.xanga.com)

  4. Wrap is such an easy lunch ya. Seem like lot of things to prepare for a wedding and you two are handling it great.

  5. As i read your posts and wedding thoughts evry now and then, I'm getting excited for you too! Congrats! :)

  6. i love wraps. it's the quickest fix for hunger when your in a hurry! :o) so you're soon getting married. how exciting! planning your wedding is gotta be the most stressful but most rewarding thing ever. good luck!

  7. Hey Daphne, how lovely of you to make time amidst planning your wedding to visit.

    Wishing you eternal happiness!

  8. wedding planning is probably one of the most FUN and stressful moments (so complicated, eh?)

    Have fun and enjoy...


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!