Monday, April 20, 2009

Peppermint Biscuits

Oops! Sorry for the disappearing act for the past week. The days are flying by too quickly and before we know it-we will be married in 4 days.

As I'm writing, we got the carpets clean and new bedroom furniture is coming in. AR's parents will be arriving tonight, friends from Germany tomorrow and my parents on Wednesday. Thursday is the rehearsal and then it's Friday!

Next will be fun- I get to see my best mates AND the Singapore traditional Chinese ceremonies will begin that Friday as well. I'm also looking forward to spending a few days in Malaysia with all our closest friends and family.

I made these peppermint cookies quite some time ago and they were so so so yummy! Ruthie bought me "Gorgeous Biscuits" mini cookbook by periplus for my birthday last year and it is filled with yummy recipes. As you are aware, I'm always in search for good cookie recipes so I welcome cookbook with both hands. I made this as Christmas gifts and they were a hit.. Very addictive.

Peppermint Biscuits
Basic Biscuit
125grams butter
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1 cup self raising flour

Preheat oven 160C
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla. Sift flour. Fold through to form a soft dough. Turn dough out into baking paper and cover with another sheet. Roll out to around 5 mm thickness. Using biscuit cutters, cut out shapes and place on the tray.

Peppermint filling
Sift 2 cups of icing sugar into a bowl. Add 5-6 tsp of hot water and few drops of peppermint essence. Mix well and taste (adjust accordingly). The filling should be runny but stiff enough to be spreadable.

Once biscuits cool down- cover half the biscuits with the filling and sandwich the other half.

Wedding thoughts:

After a few hic ups as it will be- things are gearing up to full speed again. When we were at the reception centre confirming items, the rush of thrill came back.. and it's like seeing what one has planned come in place and the sense of pride!

The engagement ring has been polish and now it sparkles so beautifully. Mum collected our wedding rings so it's really all coming together.

Our dance lessons are sooo much fun. Gosh, I think even AR surprised himself by how much fun it can be! That is definitely in our dream list-we will be back for more lessons.

We are even having a white carpet for the ceremony in Perth! That will make me feel like a princess!

We attended a wedding yesterday and I got really really teary. Oh gosh, how emotional can one get? When the bride's father handed the bride to the groom- the father said quite a few words to the groom. I wonder will my own dad do that?

I hope I will have another chance to blog before the big day. If I don't- rest assured I will be back soon!

Getting really busy with the juggling of work and preparation plus family arriving- I can't wait to see everyone.

4 more days to the wedding


  1. The exciting moment is coming very soon. Congratulations!

  2. 4 more days...WOW...I was here last year when you were still studying - time best wishes for your wedding and your future - I feel so happy for you.....

  3. Congratulations!!!! So, how do we address you?? Mrs ....???

  4. wow, I feel excited for u! I've been following the wedding pics that you attached at the end of every post, great pics! :-)

  5. Yaaaay! a new post and a yummy recipe! Can't wait till Friday...You make a beautiful bride.

    Farah x

  6. and you still have time to cook, amazing!!! wishing you the very best for your coming wedding... may the Lord richly bless your marriage... cheers!!! :)

  7. gosh u still hv time to bake and blog??? everything must hv been under control eh? i remember i was running around like a headless chicken 4 days before the big day :p

    enjoy yourselves ya on the big day ;-)

  8. You should not be blogging and baking at this time! Just relax and be a happy bride. Congrats, once again!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!