Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Indian Spiced Baked Prawn Pilaf

Woah! What wild weather we are experiencing in Perth at the moment. Driving home with nearly zero visibility last night plus very scary sounding wind and hail! The wild winter weather is perfect for warm hearty food though..and I recalled making this very easy dish inspired by ABC delicious again.

The only thing is that I estimated the amount of spices I used, so judge it at your own peril! =)

Indian Spiced Baked Prawn Pilaf (Serves 4)
2 cups of basmatic rice
1.5 cups of hot/warm stock

2 cinnamon sticks
5-6 cardamon pods
3 tsp of cumin
1 tsp of chili powder
2-3 tsp of tumeric powder
2 tsp of garam masala

1 red onion chopped

1 cup of peas
200 grams of shelled prawns.

Preheat Oven to 200C. If you have a casserole dish, fry spices with onion and garlic with oil till fragrant. Add rice and stir till well coated with spices. Add hot stock and season accordingly. When the stock boil, put the dish into the oven covered with aluminum foil. (If you dont have a dish, I used a deep pan, coat rice with spices and scooped in into an oven proof dish, pouring hot stock over it). Bake for around15 minutes. Rice should be nearly done. Stir in peas and place pawns on top of it. Bake for another 10-15 minutes or so.

Serve hot with mango chutney and veges.


  1. OMG - and you have okra on the plate too! I'm so hungry! :)

  2. wat the rice looks so gloriously golden!...

  3. this is what I call hot pilau! :)

  4. i love pilaf! See ya soon!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!