Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our Singapore Wedding-1st May 2009

Singapore was our 2nd wedding celebration. As a Singaporean with many friends and family in my home country, we made the easy decision to the biggest leg of the wedding celebration there. When I look back on that day, it was filled with so much emotion-largely joy and thanksgiving that words just cannot easily comprehend it.

Alot of our coordination has to be done via email. Not forgetting, our beautiful friends Peggy, Ruth who did alot of errands for us when we were not around. Ben who flew from Adel provided much needed support..and he was strangely quiet that day but so efficient! I turned around after our church ceremony and then remembered that we hardly took a photo with I gave him this huge hug and the amount of emotions that flow through just explained it all. He wanted to give it his all for us that day and he was just happy to be with us.

I recall just feeling a sense of peace. It doesnt matter what went wrong because I am marrying the guy of my dreams. A sense of happiness that yes, the day is finally here. As we were gathered around our closest friends and family, it was their joy of wanting to be there for us, making the huge effort to fly in from various countries just to be with us that touched us tremendously.

We are very very blessed with the best of the best family and friends. It is God's love, and our family and friends' love that taught us what true love is.

All credits to Wang Yixin and Kelvin Koh for their wonderful photography from Lighted Pixels.

In this little box of old rusty chocolate box lies folded hearts and a little pocket watch. I folded those hearts when I was around 10 years old, praying that I will one day present this to my prince. A little cliche but I wanted AR to know that God has a reason for bringing us together and I prayed hard for him!

Irene, my dear aunt, made a very pretty dress for our flower girl (Sophia, her daugther). I simply love this innocent but so pretty shot!

The lethal wasabi and chili padi cupcake. Courtesy of Irene again. See how doting my aunt is? She made sure that AR worked EXTRA hard to enter the door to marry me. Ps- the boys had to go through a series of tasks before they are allowed into my home to fetch the bride. This was just one of the tasks! They had to knock on neighbour's door for well wishes, decode a bible verse, eat and drink items that represent sweet, sour, bitter and spicy and AR had to learn how to shout a love declaration in Cantonese!

Our mothers! They are born in the same year, similar size, both have hobbies in the singing/dancing arena..speaks cantonese.. People kept mistaking them as sisters!

My grandmother. This lady changed my life. She took cared of me since I was 3 days old and has not stopped since. She is MY rock and the person who I adore. A very giving grandmother with lots of guts and great sense of humour!

Ah.. I had to "reward" Isaac at the rehearsal night. Each time he does the "walk stop walk stop" down the aisle, he had a lolly.. Lucky I bought a packet of aeroplane shaped gummy sweets that night. I was his new found best friend. His mum, Irene said he has never had that many lollies before!
What makes me laugh is that even after the wedding, he continues to practise the walk by saying "walk stop walk stop...AND GET MARRIED!" Things kiddies learn.
They did SOOOO well on the actual day though. VERY VERY proud of Isaac and Sophia!

MY dearest and most giving Dad. Just having him walk me down the aisle..and feeling his support and emotions.... He was soo proud and I was so proud to have him as my father.
I ADORE this shot of us heading back as husband and wife.. and my mum just look so happy and excited for us.

My most gorgeous bridesmaids. Cupcakes that Irene made- THEY WERE DELICIOUS! I am blessed with the BEST aunt in the world who dwelled in our excitement, sew dresses, sew our ring pillow, baked cupcakes, helped with the tea ceremony AND was the MC! I don't know what else she cannot do...

I have to comment on this moment because I recall feeling like an ABSOLUTE princess during our dinner march in. With the bubbles on and our guests showering us with petals of blessing, my heart swelled with alot of joy. The dear husband kept whispering, slow down...take it in..AND took it in we did.

My best friends decided to sing a song for us..and not only that.. did a video slideshow of our best times as kids growing up. I bawled my eyes out that time.
This was taken when I was thanking Irene . and even looking at these two photos brought me back to the night when I made the speech. Nothing in the world can express my gratitude and how I treasure our relationship. We may be "aunt and niece" but we grew up together thinking we were cousins..and our relationship resemble more of sisters. She is one of the strongest woman I met- having faced through several trials in her life but always always have an optimistic and cheerful attitude.

Zinna is my pastor's wife. I love her to bits. She is like a mentor to me and always advises me on relationships and life in general. She was also the one who constantly asked us to pray for our future partner when I was a teenager.
My uncle danry who flew from HK to be with us just for that day! He was the man who drove mum and me home when I was 3 days old... and granny said I didnt even dare to close my eyes as a little baby because of his driving! He was also the man who "encouraged" me to walk by allowing me to hold his little finger and then letting it go... mum and dad have a photo of me walking with my hand/fist in the air thinking that I still had uncle danry for support! SNEAKY!

And then us. At the end of the night, still buzzing.. The party did not end till 2am that day. Our guests stayed till late.. A funny story was that we were asked to line up outside to greet our guests as they exit,...and after waiting for 5 minutes, we realized guests were NOT exiting! They were still inside sitting, chatting, eating and having a BLAST of a time. Some guests even stayed and went to the bar for a few drinks.. We loved it all. We love that guests did not want to go..we did not want the party to end either.

It was a true celebration of our love for each other and we are very proud and excited to be surrounded by such wonderful people!

So here we go. Our wedding celebrations. Every date was memorable and the way we want it to be. To be married is one of the best feeling in the world.


  1. You've recorded the precious moment in your life. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Congratulations! Everything looked beautiful, including the bride. I can't believe you kept those folded hearts all this time! =)

  3. this is such a beautiful piece dat it made me dabbed tears off my eyes. you guys looked splendid!

  4. The joy and everything nice just shine in every frame! Congratz.

  5. sweet sweet. it is such a lovely and touching wedding. *sniff sniff*

  6. Thanks for sharing your wedding day with us. It was so beautiful and touching at some. Really a memorable one for you two to keep in your hearts.

  7. Congrats for being promoted to "MRS". You look very photogenic!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!