Friday, October 02, 2009

Corn, Leek and Potato Chowder

My best friends can attest that I have a huge thing for corn. When we were growing up, Ruth, Peggy and I would love going for walks at the night markets. Without fail, we will buy roasted peanuts, cup corn, other little snacks and will chit chat the evening away.

When we were a little older (and some experience in the kitchen following our home economics class), I decided to be a little adventurous and make sweet corn soup for my best girl friends. That recipe was given to me by my mother who asked her work colleague who made it at a dinner party that I attended and finished three bowls of it (I was extremely overweight with a good appetite!). My mother thinking that she better get the recipe so we can enjoy it at home, thus probably saving her some embarrassment.....

Corn though is a very nutritious vegetable. It is full of vitamin B, C and of course fiber. Ah..reading these information give me MORE reason to have more corn.

Now though, I tried to venture out other versions of sweet corn soup-this one being a healthy one with the addition of leek. Potato also fills us up. We usually having our soup just like that perhaps with a bread roll. A very light and fulfilling meal.

Corn, Leek and Potato Chowder
250 grams of frozen corn
2 potato chopped
1 leek diced
1 ltre of stock

1 egg lightly beaten

In a deep pot, heat a tablespoon of olive oil. Cook leek till soft and add potato and corn. Pour in stock and boil. Simmer for around 20 minutes till potato turns soft. Cool for 5mins.

Pour half of the soup into a blender and blend. Pour back into the pot and heat up. Stir in egg. Serve with your favorite bread roll.

This soup is also freezer friendly and I had another bowl for lunch at work. yum! =)

Sending this to my friends from Weekend Herb Blogging, The host is Marija from Palachinka


  1. cup corn! My mum ends up buying from the supermarts, so we can make it ourselves at ome. Cheaper, she says =)

    regardless, yes...we love our corns.
    Don't know about it, the corns are probably what made me corny over the years =P

  2. Yum Yum and very filling too.

  3. Yummy!

    Thanks for the entry!

  4. yay to corn! i've just made something with corn today hehehe will blog about it soon...

    i havent tried making chowder at home...maybe soon :)

  5. Looks divine! I love anything with corn.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful comfort soup for the colder months. We're all sick over here, so I'm actually craving a hot bowl of chicken soup. One of the worst things about being sick? You can't taste anything!

  7. yea.. i miss your corn soup!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!