Sunday, October 04, 2009

Spicy Lamb Pilaf

My love for one pot dish continues. Spicy Lamb Pilaf is a quick and easy way to have your meat, rice and veges in one pot. I took this recipe out from ABC delicious (another of my love) and totally enjoyed it. I also froze an extra batch and we had it for dinner one weeknight-the flavours actually intensifies which is a yummy way to enjoy leftovers.

Spicy Lamb Pilaf (Serves 6)
3 cups of basmatic rice
cinnimon sticks
5 bruised cadamon pods
2tsp of tumeric powder
3-4 tsp of cumin powder
1tsp of chilli powder
2 tsp of garam masala
2 cups of peas

200 grams of diced lamb.
a pinch of salt and pepper. (marinate for around 5-10 mins)

Fry marinated lamb quickly. Send aside.

Place 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan. Cook all spices in it. Add rice and stir spices through. Add around 2.5 cups of water. Simmer till rice is almost done. Put peas on top. Add lamb in another 5 minutes or when peas are nearly done.

Served with yogurt and mango chutney.


  1. I love pilaf, briyani of almost any kind :D

  2. Once a while I'll have one pot dish too. Save time.

  3. One of my favourite one-pot dish! The flavour of rice + lamb really comes out in this dish. An excellent dish :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!