Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Pork Apple and Fennel Sausage Rolls

 I always have abit of fear in mixing fruit in savory dishes. I thought my Asian palate might not like it. It's not the first time that I heard wonderful things about apple and pork being together and of course fennel, a spice and pork.

So I gathered my courage and thought I could experiment and make a sausage roll using all three ingredients. I was surprised by the result. The apple just gave it a tinge of juice and sweetness but not too much that it is overpowering. The fennel provided it abit of a hit in taste on your taste buds.

It's super easy, and come to think of it, will be a winner for a cocktail party. Hubby took them to work and toasted them in his grill. He said most people commented the beautiful fragrant and how "real" it smelt.

I didn't even know store bought sausage rolls smelt "fake"?

I feel like I'm tooting my own horn here, but seriously love this and will be doing experimenting with more ways of making sausage rolls again!

Pork Apple and Fennel Sausage Rolls (Makes 24 mini rolls)
2 puff pastry defrosted

500 grams pork mince
1 apple finely chopped or grated
2 tsp of fennel seeds
1 egg
1 cup of bread crumbs (Package or fresh)
salt and pepper

Sesame seeds

Preheat oven 200 C. Line baking trays with baking paper.

Combine mixture together. Cut each puff pastry into half. Place filling in the middle and roll up. You might want to use egg wash to seal the edges. Cut into 6 mini rolls. Place on baking tray. Repeat. Egg wash all the sausage rolls and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake for 25-30 minutes till golden brown!



  1. What a great idea to pair those together!

  2. Love the combo of pork, apple and fennel. We love sausage rolls in our family, and I usually make beef with grated carrot and zucchini together with caramelised onions and thyme. Must give this a try.

  3. Hi Daphne! I know what you mean with Asian taste with fruits. But when I had sausage with apple (and chicken I think), or meatball with pineapple in it, I was so surprised how delicious they were. So I can tell already that this looks delicious!!!

  4. I am not just saying this. my son and hubby would love this! It is like our version of meat pies and it looks divine. Beyond divine, simply magical with the apple, pork and fennel combo!

  5. i'm really not surprised that this tastes good, the idea of apples together with meat sounds delighting to me, good try!

  6. Yummy! I love this combo :)

  7. A few days after eating this, I went to a deli that won an award for the best sausage rolls 2011 in Perth. While it's not the same (this one is savoury and sweet, while that is just savoury) this one definitely beats the "best sausage roll" hands down. No contest there. Also I don't want to know how much MSG is in that one.

  8. I love the pairing of salty sausage and sweet fruit! What a great idea for a roll!

  9. i cooked chicken curry with apple before, so i know this must be very tasty, must try one day. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love this Daphne! gloria

  11. yes, apple, pork, spice = nice! and your idea of sausage rolls is definitely great!

  12. thanks Ching!

    Charmine- yours sound so wonderful as well!!

    Nami-I'm so glad you feel the same way. Glad we both liked it!

    Jessica- you are a sweetie!

    hubby- *Muacks*

    Joanne- i wonder if there is a vegetarian version of this?

    Sonia- ooo curry with apple! how interesting.

    Gloria- thanks!

    Tigerfish- ;)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!