Sunday, September 04, 2011

Spiced Pinenut Couscous

One of discoveries I had while on the no sugar/sauces diet was how I underused spices previously. My favourite spices at the moment would be curry powder, chili powder, tumeric and cumin.

Making couscous as a side dish one evening together with some lemon roasted chicken, I decided to spice things up a little (ha ha, my pun!) by using most of the spices in the above combination with some pinenuts and vegetables.

I love the yellow tinge of this dish as well. I was told recently that tumeric and cumin has an added benefit of cancer prevention.

Crazily addictive it was!

Spiced Pine nut Couscous (serves 4-5)
1 cup of couscous cooked in water directions on packet

1 zuchinni chopped finely
1 tsp of garlic
1 red onion chopped finely
2-3 chili padi (hehe, i do put chili in pretty much everything)
1 cup of corn kenels
1/4 cup of pine nuts
2 tsp of cumin
2 tsp of tumeric
1/2 tsp of curry powder

Saute garlic, onion and chili. Add zuchinni and corn. Toss in all the spices and coat well. You may need to add 1/4 cup of water if mixture appears too dry. Toss in pine nuts and toast till nice and brown. Mix mixture to couscous. Toss well.



  1. This looks great! My husband is crazy about couscous and I love coming across fun new ways to use it.

  2. That looks so good! I think I will try it while replacing the Couscous w/ Quinao


  3. Looks good, must be something with all the spices added to it.

  4. I'm quite suaku coz I've not eaten couscous b4, but it looks easy and yummy looking at ur recipe :)

  5. i really need to learn from ideas from you on cooking couscous, thanks daphne!

  6. I love couscous salad a lot. It is such a flavorful healthy salad. I also like plain couscous with beef stew.

  7. This spiced couscous sounds delicious! I am always a bit heavy-handed with spices so I know I'd love this!

  8. how fragrant, colorful, healthy and must be tasty!

  9. your fav spices are also mine!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!