Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

Pregnancy made me slowed down. It's not a bad thing, it's just something I am not used to. I love my routine. I am the sort of person who fill my days and nights with activities- baking, cooking, meeting with friends, cleaning, catching up on whatsapp/skype, gym (and lots of gym!), researching for recipes, watching selected few of my favourite TV series, flipping through food or living magazines..... Yes, I'm the sort of person who believes in making use of every second.

So the hormones hit, and I have not spent as much time in the loo, the couch or my bed that I have EVER known for that matter. I  regretfully admit that I was one of those people who said... "Sleep is over rated". Now? Sleep is my best friend. Oh how I love sleep. 

They say that once our little miracle arrives, sleep will never exist. ever again. So perhaps it is not a bad thing that I'm sleeping like nothing these days. 

I cancelled commitments, reduced my gym time, increased my screen time and just rested. Then the whinging begins... why am I feeling this way, I was so active before, how come other women can do it but I can't? Why is it that work has started to feel tedious rather than enjoyable? And my weight! Argh, I'm feeling unattractive and clumsy. 

My poor husband. 

On the other hand, I cannot, simply cannot describe the joy I feel each time I feel the stronger kick/nudge, boxing stance that our little one has begin to move. Baby A (yes we think we have a name but it's not 100% sure yet so baby A shall be for the time being), seems to be a gymnast of some sort or perhaps just a healthy active little boy. Already he appears to responds to his daddy's "high 5s", and dislikes me bending forward... does that mean his little personality is developing? Or maybe just instincts. 

To thank my dearest husband for the ever patience, I got up from my couch one Sunday and actually baked a batch of cookies for him. The first sentence he said when he got home was "you moved!" It's a recipe that I spotted when we were at New York- at a bakery/dessert shop that we loved... It's called Spot Dessert Bar. This recipe features his favourite coconut and chocolate. I love the texture that the coconut provided and the crisp cookie bite that it gave.

Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies (makes around 80 cookies)
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1.5 cup desiccated coconut (toasted)
1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
1.5 cups of dark choc chips

Preheat Oven 180C. Line 4 baking trays with baking paper. 

Beat butter, sugars and salt together till fluffy. Then add eggs. 

Sift flour and baking powder in another bowl. Gradually flow the butter egg mixture to flour mixture till combined. Spoon tablespoon on baking tray, bake for 20-25 minutes till brown. 

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  1. Have fun and enjoy your pregnancy , not every women has this luck to enjoy this journey ., take good care dear.
    Your cookies sound really tempting !

  2. every pregnancy is different so try not to compare yourself! ANd if you body is telling you to slow down then it's because baby wants it to be so. :P These cookies look awesome. What a sweet thing for your husband to come home to!

  3. What a lovely snack for your hubby and you! Yes, just eat healthy and rest as much as needed as your body is a working zone right now developing a baby.

  4. i'm laughing at your husband's statement, ' you moved!' you must be really sleeping and resting a lot! but that's pretty normal and yea, once the baby is out, life and sleep wont be the same again. hubby must be so happy to see you baking these for him. you take care yaa!

  5. I agree. Just listen to your body (and baby) :)

  6. I love that you "moved" I was the total opposite in my pregnancies! LOL! These cookies sound divine. I have always loved the combination of coconut and chocolate

  7. congrats on your pregnancy and do get lots of rest while you can :) can't wait to see pictures of baby A when he finally decides to meet the world!

  8. Spot in St marks!
    Did u check out chikalicious too?

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Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!