Saturday, March 30, 2013

Panfried Rice Rolls

There is a calm in my heart. A feeling of being contented by the simplicity that our lives have fulfilled over the past few months. I am now in the middle of my 2nd trimester, fast approaching 3rd, and woah has time passed fast.

I woke up one morning and told my hubby that the feeling of being close to him, incubating having a life in me seems almost perfect. I'm not sure why I was chasing so many things at once before anymore. I suppose this is Part 1 of nesting (part 2, I may start cleaning.. don't think I'm there yet!)

I have become a fan of our local libraries. I'm starting to feel better so I'm starting to take over the reins in the kitchen a little more (much to my hubby's relief- really, he should do a guest post one day of the wide eye worried look when he is in charge of dinners). We looked at investing in some 2nd hand items for our little one, and decide what we need new.

I'm reading more. Like heaps more- the way I was when I was a teenager. Except it is filled with parenting and baby books.. oh, and an odd romance here and there. Trying to do what I do not think I will have time to do when baby arrives.

As a couple, we discussed parenting styles, values and changes to our finances. I'm glad that we were well trained in our uni days to live on one income means I'm equipped with some skills on budgeting. So far we have...

- re looked at some of our previous love of mince.
- re look at our mortgage and bank cards
- libraries and more libraries
- shopped around for car, house and car insurance

I'm so proud of my hubby who is really the true bargainer of the family- any aunties should take tips on how smooth and calm he is when bargaining!

While I do not have many cravings, one thing I always go for are my childhood food groups. Yes, eating clean is not exactly the easiest thing to do at the moment but I manage. This was not one of my eating clean days :p I took the idea from Tigerfish though. Who nearly always give me a lightbulb moment on using the most simple kitchen ingredients and transforming them into something else.

Panfried Rice Rolls.

My childhood favourite- steamed usually with a dash of dark sweet sauce and sesame seeds. Not forgetting the chill. This version, means I fried it with some dried shrimps, chinese sausage and heaps of chives. Oh it was so good. So good that I licked my plate. I picked up fresh rice rolls from our local oriental stores.

Panfried Rice Rolls (serves 4-5)
1 packet of rice rolls 400 grams snipped into small bites
1/2 cup of dried shrimps washed
1 tablespoon of garlic
2 chinese sausage sliced
2 chili padi
2 tablespoon of caramel sauce
2 tablespoon of soy
1 tablespoon of hua tiau jiu (chinese cooking wine)
bunch of onion chives chopped roughly

serve with chill sambal if you have any.

Heat wok or pan really hot. Dry toast the shrimps. Set aside. Heat a tablespoon of oil and fry some garlic and chili. Add chinese sausage. Then toss the rice rolls with the sauces. Simmering for around 2-3 minutes. Add in dried shrimps and chives. Taste, season and serve with sambal chill.

Happy Easter ;) 

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  1. Yummy to the tummy! You are on track with baby arrival. You two seem so organize!

  2. Yeah, you two seem very organized :) glad you like the idea of pan-frying the rice rolls. I like your version too - the Lap Cheong and dried shrimps definitely are the flavor punch.

  3. I have never pan fry rice rolls before , this sound similar like fried raddish cake.

  4. hi daphne, glad to read that you are coping well with your pregnancy. This looks like our Penang fried kuey teow. Have fun with the baby inside you and have fun doing all that you want!

  5. I'm so glad you're feeling so at peace and happy about everything!! And I'm so excited for you.

    These rice rolls sound super delicious!

  6. i love this idea of panfried rice rolls. Pregnant or not it sounds amazing and so delicious! It would definitely feed my craving right now:) So glad you are feeling better and doing so good! Much love

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Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!