Thursday, July 16, 2009

Red Curry Seafood Pasta

Yikes! Time is slipping through our fingers quickly. I can't believe it has been more than a week since I left my footprint (thumbprint?) on this blog. I still have heaps of meals to show but yet not enough time to blog!

We have a special guest with us this week- all the way from Brisbane. A friend of a friend, she is residing with us and we are having heaps of exciting fun with her. Not only that, she is vegetarian! Despite having a few vegetarian friendly recipes up my sleeves, I still felt a little "oh no, what are we going to have!?!?" She taught me a few things so I hope to be able to re-create them in the near future as well.

For today though, I want to share with you a Red Curry Seafood Pasta dish that we had for dinner some time ago. Our favorite seafood marinara (or seafood medley) is being used again. Some baby corn and peas-and it almost resemble a Thai red curry dish isn't it? Some lemongrass would have done the trick!
Red Curry Seafood Pasta (Serves 4)
2-3 tsp of red curry paste (I used thai red curry)
1tsp of garlic
1 tsp of grated ginger
200 grams of seafood marinara
100 grams of baby corn
2 cups of peas
handful of torn fresh basil leaves
250 grams of pasta

Cook pasta to your package's instructions. Drain and set aside. Saute garlic and ginger in the red curry paste till it smells oh so wonderful. Then include in seafood. Cook for around 4 minutes adding vegetables along the way. Toss pasta though with basil leaves.

ps-more wedding photos to follow in the next post!

Sharing my pasta love with friends at Presto Pasta founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast. This week, it is hosted by Joanne from Eats Well with Others.


  1. You've been disappear from blogsphere quite some time. I'm glad you are back with your recipes.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this with Presto Pasta! I love curry in pasta adds such a multi-ethnic twist.

  3. love those peas in there!

    I’ve announced this year’s Merdeka Open House theme. Do take some time to participate ;-). Thanks.

  4. this is an awesome creative asian way of having pasta, just fusion!

  5. thai curry in pasta! that's so creative ^^

  6. I am a sucker for fusion pasta in a way, so this is just great for me.

  7. I would love to try this! Looks super yummy esp now when I am feeling hungry hehe

  8. Great looking dish. Thanks for taking time out of a busy schedule to share with Presto Pasta Nights.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!