Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Shortcut Crumbed Fish Wrap

During my uni days, a close mate introduced me to a brand of frozen fish fillets. Now, for an uni student, discovering yummy frozen food was quite a huge thing. Those last minute assignments required instant nutrition.

Now, I rarely buy those boxes of fish fillets anymore. Occasionally though, when I'm in the mood, I still put a box in the trolley just to taste back memories...

Herb Crumbed Fish Wrap
4 frozen crumbled fish fillets
corn wraps
salad leaves

Bake fish per instructions. Wrap in corn wrap, salad leaves and mayo and toast it for a few minutes


  1. What an easy meal! Isn't it more filling with whole wheat bread?

  2. it's a great way to use the frozen fish sticks...i always feel guilty eating them with just rice ^_^ this is better

  3. I like this kind of recipes a lot, hehe. So easy, must try out one day :D


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!