Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Slice


I know I try hard.

Very hard to control my diet. Whenever it is my turn to bring morning tea, or a treat to a friend's place, I do my best to choose something reasonable healthy-minimizing the use of butter, while using olive oil or yogurt as a base.

But once in a while, I can't help it but to make something sinful and delightful. Afterall food is to be enjoyed.

I made these slices for a gathering recently. Truth be told, I am selective on what to bring to different groups, meetings..etc. I know that because this is a rather big group, this treat will be shared among more people. This means, I would resist the temptation to reach out for another slice.

That did not stop me from munching on the crumbs and those "oops, that piece fell off and it won't look in the box so here it goes into my mouth" moments.

I can assure you that this is worthwhile your calorie intake. It has chocolate and peanut butter- a winner combination already. But somehow, I like how the crumbly base goes with the chocolate. Oh, and the white chocolate peanut drizzle is awesome as well.

I adapted this recipe from ABC Delicious Sweets. Another "older" cookbook that hubby bought for me but I have not yet tried ANYTHING in there! Oh well, never too late than ever!

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Slice
125 butter
1 cup of smooth peanut butter plus extra to drizzle
1 1/2 cup of plain flour
1/2 cup of brown sugar (reduced from 3/4)
1 cup of desiccated coconut
1 egg beaten
250 grams of good quality dark chocolate (I used 3 types, Lindt, Volahora dark-from Paris! and Club dark chocolate)
50 grams of white chocolate
50 grams of additional milk or dark chocolate

Pre heat oven to 180C. Line slice pan with baking paper.

Combine butter and peanut butter in sauce pan, melting it.

Combine flour, sugar coconut. Pour melted mixture and mix well. Press into pan. Bake for 15 minutes or so. Cool

Meanwhile, melt dark chocolate by placing chocolate in heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir till smooth and melted. Pour chocolate onto base. Chill overnight.

Melt white choc and whisk around 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. Melt the remaining milk or dark choc. I did it by zapping it in microwave for 30 seconds each. Once ready, drizzle slices with the white and milk chocolate. Chill briefly. Slice and serve!



  1. My problem is usually not in resisting the baked good at whatever party I've brought it to...but resisting all the "taste testing" I convince myself must ensue! Haha. These look irresistible. Chocolate and PB is a winning combo.

  2. Oh these looks so chocolate-y and crumbly! Very nice :) I'd love to have a bite right now Daphne!

  3. love, love the combination, daphne!!! i have bookmarked this as a "must bake" for this weekend's treat. :) xoxo

  4. yeah, anything with peanut butter is really sinful, haha! becos they are too good!! this looks great , i wouldnt mind having a piece to munch too!!

  5. You should have named it slice of heaven. My mouth is watering right now. I love the combo of choc and pb. It reminds me of my favorite candy- reeses!

  6. It's sinful, but just have it moderately, so no problem la.

  7. i'm so craving for this right now!

  8. Looks great! I don't mind a sinful treat once in a while too. :)

  9. Joanne- I'm really bad at resisting the crumb test!

    Min- Thanks dearie!! It was fun making it too.

    celine- oh pls let me know how u went!

    lena- thanks lena. Yes very very munchy slices.

    jessica- i like the sound of slice of heaven!

    little inbox- true true.. just don't overeat!

    petrina- hey babe! how r u?! ;)

    Ching- yes! We have to treat ourselves sometimes.

  10. everything is ok in moderation I think. I would gladly give up any diet for these choc slices ;)

  11. Ahhh glad you like the cookbook

  12. I am PB-and-chocolate-kind-of-girl, so I would never say "no" to these slices. :)

  13. A girl gotta indulge once in a while. Great recipe, and an easy one too!

  14. You can never go wrong with a little PB and chocolate. :)

  15. chocolate and PB = detrimental to the waist :p but who cares huh?


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!