Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Muah Chee

Muah Chee is a childhood favourite snack of mine. It is sticky glutinous flour dough, cooked and then sprinkled with heaps of sesame, peanut sugar toppings. I love the chewiness of the dough, and the crunch of the nuts. It's hard to describe the texture- it is probably closest to tapioca pearls or the bubbles in bubble tea. Except it is alot more sticky!

Muah Chee used to be really popular in night markets and in coffee shops in Singapore. In my recent trip back, I realised that they are not as common-it's still available but only in selected places. I guess one positive to knowing this recipe is that we can continue to make it at home...with the addition of MORE toppings!

I made three batches-with one batch that didn't cook properly. I'm not sure why, since I did exactly the same thing for all 3 batches! Oh well, it isn't meant to be. 

I took this recipe from Lily, Little Teochew and Little Corner of Mine. These ladies inspire me to make food close to my heart!

Muah Chee
1 cup glutinous rice flour
2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp thick coconut milk
1 tbsp cooking oil
150 ml water

1 tsp of olive oil

1 cup of roasted granulated peanuts
1/4 cup of  sugar
2-3 tsp of sesame seeds

Combine glutinous rice flour, sugar, coconut milk, oil and water in a microwave safe bowl. Stir till it becomes like a thick dough. Microwave for 1 min, mix, then another 1 min. 

Pulse all toppings in your food processor. I made enough for 2 batches of muah chee. 

Snip the dough while it is warm, tossing it with the topping. Eat!



  1. oH ...... Muah Chee!!! My girls' fav. Didn't realise that it is so easy to make. :) Will need to make soon. They will be thrilled. Thanks Daphne for sharing.


  2. wah so easy to make? i'd love to try! yummssss love muah chee

  3. I'm lazy to make this, but I used to buy from mobile hawker. :)

  4. Love muah chee! Have yet to make this but definitely interested to try :) Great job! Love the peanut topping hehe

  5. Never heard of it. Looks easy to do. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Celine- ya! it's really easy. Hope u have fun making it!

    rita- it is!!

    little inbox- soo lucky ;)

    Jen- that's my fav part too! the toppings.

    Victor- haha,yes, it's a street food in sg/kl. thanks for coming by.

  7. I've never heard of muah chee before but the texture is certainly something I would love. I need to get some glutinous rice flour ASAP!

  8. Say What? I can't even pronounce it but I know I love it! Peanut butter, sticky, sesame seeds and sugar! I am all game for this. I am with Joanne- I need to get some of that flour ASAP!Love ya

  9. Have not had Muah Chee for a long time! Great job doing it at home.

  10. Simply delicious! I should make a batch soon, haven't had it for a while, used to eat it in Penang along the beach.

  11. Joanne- U r too kind!

    Jessica- hahaha...u ladies are great! Oh yes, that's what i like about this snack as well!

    Tigerfish- thanks!! Me too! was years before I made some.

    Ching- yeah! I used to have this walking along the night markets in Singapore!

  12. omg I love this! It's my favourite snack at home! ah missing singapore now ):


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!