Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Salted Coconut Chocolate Bark

This must be one of the most addictive chocolate snacks ever! I certainly do love my chocolate- I have a weakness for dark varieties. Pairing it with coconut butter though, it create this creamy chocolate chips that I have to will myself to stop eating. 

I mentioned before that I generally follow the paleo way of eating. PaleoOMG is probably one of my favourite bloggers who posts such gorgeous treats that I'm tempted all the time. She posted this for Christmas and I knew I had to make it.

And I'm not sure if it was the best thing to do or was it a mistake. I had to ration portions and give them away as gifts together with some of my bliss balls. I placed peppermint essence to the coconut butter instead of chocolate as I find that it seizes the chocolate a little.

Oh well, at least they are clean. ;)

Salted Coconut Chocolate Bark
1 cup of coconut butter
100 grams of dark chocolate
pinch of salt
2 tsp of peppermint essence

Melt coconut butter and add peppermint essence. In a separate jug, melt chocolate too. Line baking paper on a cookie tray, spread coconut butter on the tray. Drizzle and spread dark chocolate on it, swirling along. Sprinkle salt to it.
 photo MTWsignature_zpsaefba23f.png


  1. One word, SINFUL! Lol!=P
    I am back, and looking forward to keeping in touch ;-)

  2. i want all of them right now! The chocolate bark with the hints of salt all over it makes me drool! i just can never get enough chocolate! Cliche I know but its true

  3. Yummy! I would love to receive a gift box like this. :)

  4. Love the gift box. I've never actually tried coconut butter. Silly question but does it actually taste like coconut?


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!