Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Shakshouka with Poached Egg

I can never tell if Shakshouka is Spanish or Arabian in decent. Regardless, I love a mean shakshouka for breakfast. I recall the first one I had was at Perth Art Museum in Fremantle. The tangy tomato and  oozy egg yolk simply seduced me.

I have good intentions to create this dish for breakfast. I told hubby 3 weekends that I will experiment and create this for him. However, when each weekend rolls along, there would be an excuse for me not to do it. Fed up, I decided that this could be a dinner dish instead.

After all, who doesn't like breakfast for dinner?

It's probably not authentic- I do not have a tagine for the flavours to develop further. But if I dare say so, it's a pretty good darn delicious meal even without the right tools. So simple as well. I probably made more of a tomato stew but I loved it.

I have experimented and made a few versions of this. Left over christmas ham? Checked. Left over roast chicken? Done that. One of my favourite version though is chorizo. On lazy nights, I pop an egg in the stew and cooked it. On other days when I felt like practising my poaching egg skills, I added an poached egg.

Shakshouka with Poached Egg (serves 4)
1 red onion chopped
1 tablespoon of garlic
2 chorizos diced
1 can of diced tomato
1 fresh tomato diced
2 cups of water or stock
Half a can of chickpeas
1 tablespoon of parika
2 tsp of cumin seeds
1 tsp of chill flakes

4 poached eggs

Saute onion and garlic with spices. When it smells heavenly, add chorizo. When chorizo is brown and sizzling, add tomatoes and chickpeas. I add water then and put my pressure cooker lid on. Cook for 10 minutes or so. Serve with coriander and poached eggs.

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  1. I've never tried poaching eggs - looks like a quick and easy way to cook them! The meal looks like comfort food!


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