I lurrrve this new template. At exactly 12 midnight, I had a sudden inspiration to change the template of this blog. I know, it's bizzare, but weird things happen when you are under stress. It's so much neater now. Besides, looking at pretty things calm me down.
The tech idiot in me didn't know that Blogger has upgraded their brower. Fiddling around it took ages but I think it was worth it at the end. Yeah so I look like a panda this morning with dark eye rings but hey, I woke up a happy girl and was looking forward to being in front of the computer again. Thanks to AR as well, for he helped me heaps in transfering some widgets over.
I'm still playing around with the template so do expect changes over the next week or so. I also welcome any feedback. =) Let me know what you would like to see or not see on this blog.
More recipes and photos soon! They are in my camera and I haven't had the chance to load them in yet. That's ALOT of photos waiting to be loaded into the computer.
Thank you Little Corner for passing this award to me. It is a really pretty award too-the right time for a pretty template. I do believe that trust, kindness, honesty and caringness are attributes of a perfect blend of friendship. Strong friendships are difficult to find, and I'm really pleased to know some really lovely people in the blogging world in addition to my closest friends.
I'm going to pass this award to...
Isaac and Sophia
Little Corner
Wandering Chopsticks
Eat First Think Later
Living in Food Heaven
A Whiff of Lemongrass
Babe in KL
Big Boys Oven
Culinary Princess
Inspired mum of 2
Ehomaki (Setsubun Sushi Roll) 恵方巻
6 hours ago
Wah...nice new look! :-) I like!
And thanks...I'm so glad we got to know each other in the blogosphere too. :-)
hohohoho gorgeous!...this pattern makes a nice wallpaper too eh?...yeah we're shuffling our blog template at the same time hihihi...
hi..daphne...drop by to see what's up here..and i like yr new template ...victorian and stylish look...will add you on my list...
Walio! such an LV feeling! congratulation!
looks good and like a kitchen...lol
Ooh, very nice. Reminds me of French wallpaper. So elegant.
It's pleasant!!! Nice template.
Hey, that's a cool new look! I like the clean simple design. And congrats on the Friendship Award. :)
err, you mean you get this from Blogger ah?
then me also wanna change, hahaha
lovely 'upgrade' btw.
a simply and clean new image!!cool!!Congratulation!!.I'm thinking about changing my templete too.Now have to look for help to do it for me.lol!!
oh..nice new template you have! Looking forward to more of your ever interesting bloggings!
Lovely job. I've changed princess' one, but as for me not sure yet as tricky cos I would like to keep her drawing as header but can't find any suitable one to include drawing in.
Reminds me of sec school manuscript :) but this is really professional done template. Nice. I like.
Thanks for the award and really nice to know you too. *hugs*
Thanks for the award:-). A change is good. White makes it a breeze to read too. Good change!
wah i like yr new template la, very classic. well done!
awww thanks for the award
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