Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Simple Beef Burger

I have always wondered why burgers at Fast Food chains are so popular. When I was in their trap previously, I like the juicy, fatty quick fix...but now, I just can't stomach the oil from burgers in Fast food joints any longer..

and GASP..I have sort of become a fast food snob.

Not that I'm turning my back against them, I have my rare occasion Golden arch lean beef burger and just couldn't resist that ONE more fry that magically appear in front of me. But overall, most people would say that their burgers aren't always the best.

Not that mine is that great either. I just somehow feel better chewing a burger that I know exactly what goes in there.

A Simple Beef Burger (for 4)
300 grams lean beef mince
1/2 red onion chopped finely
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 chilli finely chopped
2 tsp of corn flour
1 egg
1 tsp of chilli powder
1 tsp of cumin
1/2 cup of spicy bread crumbs
1 tsp of mixed spice

1) Marinate lean beef mince with everything listed. Shape into patties and fry it (no oil).

2) Cut a bread roll into half and toast it. Assemble with your favourite real cheddar cheese (not the fake kraft type!) and tomato sauce. Serve with salad and potato wedges.


Kenny Mah said...

Hehe... I can never resist that extra one fry in front of me either... especially if it's in the form of a potato wedge! :D

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Like you, I also prefer to know what I'm putting into my stomach. Some of these fast food chains' burgers don't taste like anything recognisable, but there are a couple I can't resist either. hehe.

SIG said...

I absolutely agree with knowing what goes into my burger.

Anonymous said...

i just love the crunchiness that your bun looks... yum... :)

Noob Cook said...

looks so good! I like that your bread is the thin and nicely toasted type ... makes me really hungry looking at your photos :D

tigerfish said...

Juicy and moist. That is how I like my beef in my burger.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Ditto! Homemade is great because we know what goes in there.

Unknown said...

homemade is better, we can adjust the size of our burger patty (for giant size) hehehe

Dee said...

Yeah, FF burgers are just plain scary these days.
I like the cumin you added. Nice touch :)

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